Guiding Educators to Build Every Child’s Confidence in MathsWe’ve proudly nurtured a love for reading and writing for years, building confident communicators. But...
Dyslexia advocacy results in generous giftGiving the gift of literacy Evie, a Year 6 student from Star of the Sea...
DIBELS training in school with SPELD SAAt a recent in school training session we sat down with Cassie, Principal of...
Why use decodable books?Decodable books are written with a specific purpose – to provide opportunities to blend sounds...
Choosing decodable booksThere are so many types of decodables! Which ones are best for my students? This...
Supporting all learners in the classroomUnderstanding how students learn and the impact of specific learning difficulties for students is critical...
Using DIBELS to assess early literacy skillsWhat is DIBELS? DIBELS is a set of short fluency measures for identifying and monitoring...
Sounds-Write phonics training for Speech PathologistsA couple of years on from attending Sounds-Write training with SPELD SA, Speech Pathologist, Georgia,...
Tutoring with SPELD SARequests for specialist tutors are at an all-time high, which means SPELD SA tutors are...
Mastering Maths BlogWhether you’re already implementing some of these best practices or looking for new methods to...
Psychological assessments for learning difficultiesIf you’re concerned about your child’s learning, you may be considering a psychological assessment (a psychoeducational assessment). Working...
Abbey's visit to Chiang Mai, ThailandSPELD SA’s book donation helps students with learning difficulties in Thailand, thanks to Council Member,...
Phonics program making an early impactPic above: Maddi Peacock running a Sounds-Write phonics session at St Josephs One of our...
Shining a light on DyslexiaDyslexia Awareness Month We have set the stage at SPELD SA to encourage those who...
Seven Factors for Success for Adults with DyslexiaFor many people living with dyslexia their learning disability goes hand in hand with low...
Evidence based reading interventionEvidence based reading intervention Research shows that Structured Synthetic Phonics programs provide the most effective...