Find a Specialist Tutor

SPELD SA tutors are private specialist teachers who have been invited to register with us, after meeting our strict training and experience requirements. When you engage a SPELD SA registered tutor, you can be assured of high-quality instruction with a skilled educator.

Our tutors are trained in evidence-based teaching approaches designed to improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills and must attend ongoing professional learning to remain on our register. They have a minimum of two years classroom experience or are an allied health professional/SSO with at least two years experience supporting students with literacy and/or numeracy.

The SPELD SA Tutor Management Team monitors all tutors to ensure high-quality instruction is provided to students.


• Tutors for all ages & locations Australia-wide
(locations outside of SA are online only)

• Matched to suit your requirements

• Experienced with specialist training

• Tutoring delivered face-to-face or online

• Tutors are covered by Public Liability and Professional
Indemnity insurance

• Individual membership with SPELD SA


Weekly session fees vary from $80-$130, paid securely

Request a Tutor

Please enter your details below and a SPELD SA tutor will get in touch with you soon. Please note that some areas experience lengthy wait times. We will contact you if a tutor has not been allocated within three months.

Specialist Tutors  

SPELD SA is always looking for educators with a passion for helping students with learning difficulties and disabilities to join our register. Please refer to our “Become a Tutor” page for more information. 

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