Intensive Literacy Program
This SPELD SA Literacy Program is for older learners wanting to develop or consolidate basic reading, spelling and writing skills.

For older learners
Please note: This program has been identified for review and therefore these current resources will soon be discontinued.
This Literacy Program is for older learners wanting to develop or consolidate basic reading, spelling and writing skills.
The program has 15 Modules. Each Module has a text and accompanying skill-based exercises.
The Literacy Program includes the phonics, grammar and punctuation skills included in a standard R-3 syllabus, with texts selected for older students, suitable for high school aged students and adults.
Each module has an instructor handbook and a student workbook. A placement test has been designed to help instructors determine a student’s starting module. The program can be used on a one-to-one basis or with a group for wave 2 and 3 intervention.
The development of the Program was generously supported and funded by the Department for Correctional Services Community Grant.