Why use DIBELS 8th?
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) is a collection of procedures and tools designed to evaluate the development of literacy skills.
DIBELS 8th Edition is more versatile than ever, helping more students across more grades. It's a highly effective, low-impact tool for assessing reading skills, widely used in schools, special education, and for students with dyslexia.
Backed by decades of thorough research, DIBELS measures key reading skills that are proven to predict reading success.
This training provides educators with many benefits.
This training is ideal for school leaders, teachers, inclusive educators, support staff, and anyone dedicated to enhancing literacy for all students.
Participants will learn to:
- Detect reading risks by aligning DIBELS subtest data with benchmark goals and key concepts in early reading.
- Analyse data to identify patterns and trends at the grade, class, and individual student levels, and use this information to plan instruction within a multi-tiered support system.
- Utilise resources from the University of Oregon effectively.
Request DIBELS Training
SPELD SA is excited to offer comprehensive training on the DIBELS 8th Edition. If you have any questions or would like more information about how our DIBELS 8th training can benefit your school or organisation, please fill out the form.
A member of the SPELD SA team will be in touch with you to provide further details and help with any clarifications.
If you are having any issues with the form below, please email workshops@speldsa.org.au