PD delivered by our experts

Our Educational Consultants delivering these services have years of experience in the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, and Specific Learning Difficulties.

Schools and organisations that are SPELD SA members have access to a range of services, including discounted workshops and events.

SPELD SA is a preferred supplier of literacy and numeracy professional learning services to the South Australian Department for Education.

View our PD catalogue or scroll down for our complete training offerings.

Synthetic phonics programs and literacy assessments.

We offer Professional Development in popular synthetic phonic programs such as Sounds-Write, UFLI and Jolly Phonics and also training in DIBELS assessment tools. enquire with us about delivering training at your school or book places in our onsite workshops.

PD courses

This professional learning will lay foundations by exploring key theory concepts including the science of reading, cognitive load theory and explicit teaching.

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Bond Blocks is a mathematics program informed by research using evidence-based
methodology, developed by Australian teacher Narelle Rice together with Dr Paul Swan.

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A whole school approach to problem solving, based on George Polya’s approach and the bar model (which features heavily in version 9 of the Australian Curriculum).

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This workshop has been specifically designed for teachers and tutors who are keen to improve their knowledge and skills in providing effective Tier 1 numeracy teaching.

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In Australian classrooms, students may struggle. Educators play a crucial role in identifying and assisting, promoting their potential.

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This training supports those assisting high school or adult learners, focusing on specific learning difficulties like Dyslexia, beneficial for various services.

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Especially for students with learning disorders, ensure optimal curriculum access. Assistive technology is a valuable tool for enhancing functioning and independence.

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Decodable readers are crucial in early literacy, aligning with synthetic phonics. We assist in choosing the best for your setting.

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Jolly Phonics

builds on Jolly Phonics, offering a systematic approach to teaching Spelling for Years 1 to 6.

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Jolly Grammar

builds on Jolly Phonics, offering a systematic approach to teaching Grammar for Years 1 to 6.

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