Bond Blocks Addition & Subtraction Core Kit (Level 2) - 9/04/2025

Bond Blocks Addition & Subtraction Core Kit (Level 2). Mastering the Bond Blocks Core Kit - Prevention and Intervention of Maths Difficulties
This day is targeted to those who have started using the Addition & Subtraction Core Kit and want to learn more. However, there are no pre-requisites for this session. There will be a brief review of some of the information from “Introducing Bond Blocks Core Kit PL” (level 1) but most of the day is new content.
PL Outline
- Response-To-Intervention framework.
- Analysing Data
- Research: Characteristics of students who are at risk in maths.
- Theory: Concrete-Representational-Abstract approach
- Theory: Connecting Mathematical Language
- Theory: Explicit teaching and a Sequenced Curriculum
- Activity Boards from the Bonds of 10 and Ten Plus Bonds chapters
- Detailed look at the Placement Test, Monitoring Tools and whole-school tracking sheets.
- In-depth focus on Implementation and Planning
- Time will be allocated for you to ask questions, explore the resources and network with others
Suitable for:
- Teachers of Years 1-3
- Intervention Teachers Years 1-6
- School Services Officer & Tutors
- Numeracy Leaders
Come and enjoy the day unpacking the Core Kit with Narelle Rice.
Narelle Rice has 20 years teaching experience across primary, lower secondary and teacher education. She gave up teaching to support her son who has autism and now works with Dr Paul Swan to develop material to support teachers. Narelle is the developer of Bond Blocks.
A Bond Blocks Core Kit will be loaned to you on the day of the training as this is not included in this ticket. If you already have a kit, please feel free to bring it with you on the day.
Bookings close 2nd of April 2025
Member $308.75
Non-member $325.00
Purchase of Workshops and Events
6.1. Participation in all professional learning workshops requires full payment prior to the event. Purchase Orders are accepted; however, payment is required by the invoice due date. Payment terms are within 14 days.
6.2. Tickets are not refundable unless the workshop or event has been cancelled by SPELD SA. All other requests for cancellation will be offered to the payee in a credit note which can be applied to a SPELD SA product or service, including professional learning. Credit notes are valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Late cancellations of less than 48 hours for workshops or events will incur a $50 administration fee per training day plus a resource fee if applicable. The balance will be provided in a credit note to the payee.
6.3 You can request a transfer of registration to a professional learning event, and this will be assessed per application. Outcome of application will be provided within 48 business hours.