Professional Development

SPELD SA provides professional development for teachers, educators, schools, and allied health professionals, offering training in the areas of literacy, numeracy, and inclusive education.

The latest, evidence-based courses

Presented by multi-disciplinary trainers with practical & engaging course content

Follow up mentoring for primary schools and high schools

Choose either face-to-face, online or in school training.

We run workshops all year round, so you can upskill and enhance your teaching in the classroom or in intervention settings. You can either book into one of our scheduled workshops or request training at your school or organisation.

Phonics Instruction


Quality literacy instruction starts with a high impact, structured, synthetic phonics program.

Originating from the UK, this program is now widely used across Australian schools.

More about Sounds-Write

UFLI Foundations

A comprehensive phonics program developed by the University of Florida Literacy Institute,

This explicit and systematic phonics program equips students with the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading.

More about UFLI Foundations

Promoting Literacy Development

PLD is an Australian designed method which stems from the fields of speech pathology, occupational therapy, and education to include Literacy, Oral Language and Movement & Motor Skills.

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Little Learners Love Literacy

This workshop is essential to teach Little Learners Love Literacy with fidelity, and to get value and impact from your resources.

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DIBELS 8th Edition 2-day courses

2-day online training

DIBELS 8th is an evidence-based assessment that allows us to accurately assess the skills needed for successful reading.

Join Dr Sarah McDonagh for a 2-day online training session, highly recommended for acquiring an in-depth understanding of how to use DIBELS 8th with fidelity.

More About DIBELS 8th Edition

DIBELS 8th Edition focus sessions

2 hour online sessions

Designed to help schools upskill staff in key areas of DIBELS, these 2 hour online sessions are targeted and practical, and can be booked when convenient for you.

These NEW sessions are very popular. Book into an upcoming session or host a session at your school.

More About DIBELS 8th Edition

The Science of Reading

'The Science of Reading' is the culmination of decades of multi-disciplinary research. We know that learning to read is a complex cognitive and linguistic challenge.

This workshop ensures you will gain the requisite overview of how students learn to read, and essential components of reading instruction.


The Literacies of Maths

Dr Paul Swan presents: The Literacies of Maths and how they impact on reading, writing and solving maths word questions.

All attendees receive a copy of Dr Paul’s “My Word Book: Mathematics."

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Intervention for Maths Difficulties

This 2-hour workshop is specifically designed for teachers and tutors who are keen to improve their knowledge and skills in providing effective numeracy intervention for children with maths related difficulties and disorders.

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Mastering Maths Teaching

This full day workshop has been specifically designed for teachers who are keen to improve their knowledge and skills in their own mathematical pedagogy and how to implement high-quality maths instruction in the classroom.

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Bond Blocks

Prevention and intervention of maths difficulties using the Bond Block System. Bond Blocks was developed by Western Australian classroom teacher Narelle Rice in partnership with Dr Paul Swan.

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Specific Learning Difficulties

Dyslexia and Specific Learning Disorders

An introduction to Specific Learning Disorders such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia, with a focus on dyslexia.

This workshop provides you with clear, accessible information about how these disorders affect the learning process, and what they might look like in the students you work with. 

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Supporting Older Learners

Become better equipped to support highschool students and adult learners with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia.

Learn about adjustments and accommodations for assessment and utilising technology to support student success.

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What Educators Are Saying

Training room hire

SPELD SA can offer a professional workshop space for your next meeting or event.

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