What To Do When You Can't Tell The Time
$30.40 Member price
Strategies for What To Do When You Cant Tell The Time by Dr Steve Chinn,(2009)
The tricky subject of time is something which students struggle to get to grips with. Telling the time involves learning important concepts such as "quarter to" and "quarter past". In this book Steve Chinn carefully explains how to work out and remember the key facts in telling the time. Steve shows through worked examples and clear ideas, how you can learn these core skills.
What to do when you cant tell the time uses effective learning methods often involving multi-sensory ideas. Students are encouraged to use speaking, istening, writing and seeing to build knowledge of these core mathematical skills.
The what to do when you cant... series of books build on what you do know, to teach you what you do not know, and you will always know more than you think. They are are written for parents, teachers or students to use and containg clear explanations of how to build key skills. With this knowledge and lots of repetition students with learning difficulties can work towards overcoming some of their difficulties with mathematics.