Sounds-Write First Steps Collection Initial Code

Product Code: 9781905840892


$57 Member price

This set has twelve 8-page books.  These books will enable children to take their first steps into reading and have success. The simple, decodable texts enable them to practise the skills and code knowledge they are learning. Children will enjoy these quirky stories about children and their unusual pets. The books are matched to the Sounds-Write units in the Initial Code.

The titles and units are as follows:

IC4 Viv’s pig and hen – d, e, f, v
IC5 Ken’s pet bug – k, l, r, u
IC6 Jed’s pet rat – j, w, z
IC7 Jess’s pet fox – x, y, ff, ll, ss
IC8 Alf’s pet bat – vcc, cvcc
IC9 Fran’s pet crab – ccvc
IC10 Sam’s pet skunk – ccvcc, cvccc, cccvc
IC11 Josh’s pet fish - /sh/ and other Unit 11 spellings
IC11 Kim’s pet chimp - /ch/ and other Unit 11 spellings
IC11 Meg’s pet moth - /th/ and other Unit 11 spellings
IC11 Tim’s pet chick - < ck > for /k/ and other Unit 11 spellings
IC11 Sal’s pet squid - < q > < u > for /k//w/ and other Unit 11 spellings