How to Teach Poetry Writing at Key Stage 3
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$23.75 Member price
By Pie Corbett. This is a practical manual for teachers, to be used directly in the classroom.
The book begins with a series of poetry games, designed to warm up creativity and strengthen the imagination. These are followed by a series of creative poetry workshops, based on the writer's own experience both as a teacher and poet running workshops in schools, which focus on developing a "poetry base" for young writers.
This imaginative base provides a range of poetic techniques and gives pupils experience in developing a repertoire of different forms. The book also offers advice on how to organise an effective workshop, and demonstrates how to teach poetry writing in a dynamic, creative, and imaginative way.
Workshops include:
- writing from first hand observation
- autobiography
- writing about paintings, sculpture, and music
- surreal boxes and the bag of words
- secrets, lies, wishes, and dreams
- creating images, taking word image snapshots
- riddles - hiding the truth
- red wheelbarrows and messages for mice