DIBELS 8th Edition Part2: Interpreting Data and Planning for Instruction Course - 2 day training 21/08/25 & 22/08/25

21 Aug 2025 - 22 Aug 2025 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Online


DIBELS is an evidence-based assessment that allows us to accurately assess the skills needed for literacy acquisition. (DIBELS – Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)

SPELD SA offers 2-day online courses, Part 1-Administration and Scoring and Part 2 Interpretation of Data and Planning for Instruction.

We also offer in school training (up to 1 day). Request quote.

DIBELS 8th Edition 2-day Interpreting Data and Planning for Instruction ONLINE- PART 2

Suitable for teachers, special education teachers, and anyone focused on improving literacy for all students.

The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) 8th Edition are a series of curriculum-based measures used to identify and detect reading risk in Kindergarten to Year 8. The measures can be used for universal screening and progress monitoring and can also be used to measure instructional effectiveness within schools. This two-day workshop follows on from the initial DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Workshop.

This 2-day online training will be conducted via Zoom and will start at 8:30 am - Australian central time (Adelaide - South Australia) 

Presented by Dr Sarah McDonagh (click for bio)

Learning Objectives 

The DIBELS 8th Edition Interpreting Data and Planning for Instruction workshop will:

  • revisit the purpose of the DIBELS 8th assessments and the administration and scoring of each DIBELS subtest;
  • detect reading risk by mapping data from each of the DIBELS subtests to the benchmark goals and the Big Ideas in Beginning Reading;
  • provide opportunity for participants to examine data to identify patterns and trends at the grade, class and individual student levels; and
  • use DIBELS data to plan for instruction within a multi-tiered system of support.

This workshop will focus specifically on DIBELS 8th Edition. Users of the DIBELS 6th Edition and Acadience assessments may also find this workshop helpful. Participants are not required to have access to a data management system to participate in this workshop.

Interstate participants please be aware SPELD SA is unable to mark off participation for interstate educational accreditation (eg NESA & TQI)

Participants need to be familiar with the administration and scoring of each of the DIBELS 8th Edition subtests to attend this workshop.

Bookings close 1 week before the course commencement date.


SPELD SA Tutor $385.00

Member $522.50

Non-member $550.00

Terms & Conditions

Purchase of Workshops and Events 

6.1. Participation in all professional learning workshops requires full payment prior to the event. Purchase Orders are accepted; however, payment is required by the invoice due date. Payment terms are within 14 days.

6.2. Tickets are not refundable unless the workshop or event has been cancelled by SPELD SA. All other requests for cancellation will be offered to the payee in a credit note which can be applied to a SPELD SA product or service, including professional learning. Credit notes are valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Late cancellations of less than 48 hours for workshops or events will incur a $50 administration fee per training day plus a resource fee if applicable. The balance will be provided in a credit note to the payee.

6.3 You can request a transfer of registration to a professional learning event, and this will be assessed per application. Outcome of application will be provided within 48 business hours.


$522.50 Member price
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