Decodable readers

Download our decodable readers to practice reading at home or in the classroom, or purchase from our bookshop. These books are specially designed to support the learning of letter-sounds and blending in a sequential phonic order, helping students to develop their independent decoding skills.

SPELD SA aims to help Aboriginal students engage with phonic books by having characters, content and settings that reflect Aboriginal communities.

SPELD SA Phonic Books with Sounds-Write code

Initial Code

Tim sat
Tan - Tan
Is it a ...?
Kip has a nap
Zac the dog
The big box
Red sand
Sant the ant is ill
A bug in a mug

Initial Code - Set 2

It is Tim
Tip top
It is big!
The Van
Lap it up
Zig-zag, wag
Jess and Bess
Jim held his hat
Snug in a swag
Liz and Jeff

Initial Code Unit 11 & Bridging

The Flash helps
Lunch for Sant the ant
Kev at the shop
What's in the sack?
The Flash is back
The kids' band rocks!
The quest for a quoll
Catch me!
Ken at the track
The swift jet

Initial Code Units 11 & Bridging - Set 2 NEW

Hush, Cam!
The best lunch
This step, then that step
Pick and Pack
When Olive runs
Sing a spring song
Squint in the sun
Mitch and the itch
A trek up the track
Max with mum's list

Extended Code - Set 1

Sant and Kale
Three great mates
Sant the disco ant
Sant's first race
Quest to the shed
Lilly's loud crowd
Cooper and Tan - Tan
Ride a bike or fly a kite
Camping in the bush
A day with Doug

Extended Code - Set 2

Spotty's birthday
Little legs on the hill
A warm autumn day
Hands in the air
Let's unite!
Avoid sharp rocks
Sant's blast off
A kite contest
Riverside versus Dingoes
Missing biscuits


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“These decodable books - I love... They develop in complexity as they go along. Once children learn the sound correspondences through blending and segmenting activities and practise these skills in the code knowledge you can start practising these skills reading decodable text. There is quite a bit of material here (in the SPELD SA Phonic books) that you can practise on, which is another reason why I like the books. In many decodable readers all you'll get is 4 or 5 words. Not only have you got that, you've got two sentences to read on one page. These develop in complexity as they go along. Books like this are a huge help.”

- John Walker - Sounds-Write Founder

Decodable Book cover artwork

Elizabeth Close is an Anangu woman from the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara language groups in the APY Lands in Outback South Australia. She was born in Adelaide and spent much of her upbringing in remote communities, learning her language and receiving cultural education.

‘This artwork represents the literacy and numeracy learning journey, and the path towards independent learning. The circles represent the collaborative learning and support around children with specific learning difficulties, including children, schools, families, SPELD SA and others.'

Elizabeth Close, Artist.

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