Literacy Clinic Bursaries

Applications for the below bursaries are taken at any time of year. As funding is limited, new enrolments will be monitored throughout the year.

How to Apply?

Complete the Literacy Clinic application form and check the box to indicate that you are applying for bursary funding. We will contact you to discuss further.

Low-income bursary

The SPELD SA Foundation provides a bursary for families on low incomes and covers over 50% of the cost of tuition for 12 weeks. The bursary was made possible by a bequest from the estate of Margarite Dulcie Palmer, to ensure students who would otherwise be unable to afford tuition to obtain support.

Who can apply?

Families who qualify for the School Card scheme or have a Pensioner Concession Card are eligible to apply

Geographically Isolated bursary

Thanks to the generous support of Indulkaninna Foundation and Sandy’s Memorial Trust, students in rural, regional and remote locations can access the Literacy Clinic online, at a significantly reduced cost.

Who can apply?

Families in Receipt of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Centrelink payments who meet the geographical isolation rules are eligible. Other applications will be considered based on access to services and support.

How to Apply?

Complete the Literacy Clinic application form and check the box to indicate that you are applying for bursary funding. We will contact you to discuss further.

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