Find a Specialist Tutor

SPELD SA tutors are private specialist teachers who have been invited to register with us.

They are trained in evidence-based teaching approaches designed to improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills and must attend ongoing professional learning to remain on our register. They have a minimum of two years’ classroom experience or are an allied health professional with at least two years’ experience supporting students with literacy and/or numeracy.

The SPELD SA Tutor Manager monitors all tutors to ensure high-quality instruction is provided to students.


  • Tutors for all ages & locations in South Australia *
  • Matched to suit your requirements
  • Experienced with specialist training
  • Tutoring delivered face-to-face or online
  • Tutors are covered by Public Liability insurance

If you live in regional South Australia, we suggest you fill in our contact form to see if there are tutors currently available in your area.


Weekly session fees vary from $80-$110, paid directly to the tutor.

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