Have you noticed?

Is your child falling behind in their literacy development?

Can your child read smoothly and fluently?

Is your child making frequent spelling errors, particularly in written expression?

Are they displaying a reluctance to participate in literacy-based activities?

Does your child enjoy reading, by guessing from pictures, initial letters, or the ‘look’ of a word?

Do they have difficulty remembering the relationships between sounds and letters?

Do they have poor self-esteem, particularly with literacy activities?

Has your child been identified with a suspected or diagnosed learning difficulty, like dyslexia?

What can I expect?

  • A high quality, evidence-based linguistics phonics program
    Delivered by qualified Sounds-Write trained practitioners
  • Initial placement screening
  • Intervention delivered weekly face-to-face or online
  • Delivered in blocks of 12 consecutive appointments, attended weekly
  • Ongoing monitoring, assessment and feedback
  • Access to high quality evidence-based resources
  • Each student clinic session is 45 minutes

How do we help children learn to read?

Sounds-Write is an evidence-based phonics program utilising a highly successful approach to the teaching of reading, spelling and writing.

This program offers an instructional method that is structured, cumulative, sequential and explicit which is highly recommended for teaching all children to read and spell.

It places emphasis on giving practice that is grounded in physical, concrete experience of the ideas and conceptual understanding the students need to assimilate.

Sounds-Write is developmentally appropriate for beginning readers in the first three years of school, and also offers fast and highly effective intervention for students who need support with reading and spelling. The program is suitable for ages 5 to adult.

Literacy Clinic Fees

SPELD SA Annual Membership payable prior to first appointment following confirmation of session times $75

Initial consult $190 includes a resources fee for supplying homework resources for the duration of enrolment.

Lesson fees for the remaining 11 appointments are $110 per session; payable at each session. SPELD SA offers a 5% discount for families who choose to pre-pay their block of 12 sessions at the beginning of the block.

“The positive outcome has been his confidence and improvement in reading and this has made a huge impact on his engagement at school and home.”

- Andrea, Literacy Clinic parent

Meet our Team


Manager of Literacy Clinic and
Speech Pathology






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